Monday, July 18, 2011

Sorrow of the Insomniac (lyrics)

Animals in picture books always look alive.
It's funny how a photograph can enstill moments in time.
Putting flames to pictures here in hopes to defrost the Past.
Even when I dream I can't escape this war as my Nightmares manifest.

Sleeping pills? I have tried them all -
Stayed awake with a dry mouth.

This fear of waking up to find your eyes stay shut
The world ended in your sleep and you're no longer living.

Martyred as we say our prayers;
Their avatar is born in new skin.
Begging Morpheus to remove me from this world.

Ten thousand demons are painted for war,
Our children to become more.

Once drank till sick then drank some more
But alcohol couldn't knock me out.

This fear of waking up to find your eyes stay shut
The world ended in your sleep and you're no longer living.

Martyred as we say our prayers;
Their avatar is born in new skin.
Begging Morpheus to remove me from this world.

Ten thousand demons are painted.
They're painted for war -
Our children to heed their prayers and fall.